be the match

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I learned about Be The Match a little while ago after a young girl living in Southern Utah was matched with a donor & it ended up saving her life. To me it was a no brainer to register! If I had the opportunity to save a life by donating blood or by giving bone marrow I would do it in a heartbeat.

Registering was so easy! I went to Be the Match and read all about it. I click join now and filled out all my information. A couple weeks later a cheek swap kit came in the mail. It was really easy to do and only took a few minutes. I put it right back in the mail waited to hear back. After a few weeks my kit had been processed & I was officially part of the registry.

I wanted to share about this as our friend @thetiabeestokes is currently looking for a match. Right now they are checking for family members, but how amazing would it be if one of us could be a match for her!

What is Be the Match? Here is some information I pulled from their website!

Curing blood cancers one patient at a time

For patients diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma and other life-threatening diseases, a bone marrow or cord blood transplant may be their best or only hope for a cure. Yet 70% of patients who need a transplant to do not have a fully matched donor in their family. They depend on Be The Match® and our supporters to find a match to save their life. We also provide one-on-one support to patients and their families throughout the transplant journey.

Click here to join the registry!


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